TMJ Pain

TMJ Treatment

The Temporomandibular joint (jaw joint) can be the source of face pain and jaw soreness. Patients with jaw and face soreness are often diagnosed with Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD). TMJ pain is when you feel pain in your jaw joint and the surrounding muscles. TMJ can be just a nuisance — or it can be a life-altering issue.

The exact cause of TMJ pain is hard to determine but is often due to a combination of problems like arthritis, jaw injuries and even stress. TMJ conditions occur as a result of problems with the jaw, jaw joint and surrounding facial muscles that control chewing and moving of the jaw. For example, people who frequently clench or grind their teeth commonly develop TMD.

Appointment: 1 (866) 586-9667

Clinic Locations:
Birmingham   |   Montgomery   |   Prattville

TMJ Symptoms

Pain in the Jaw (near the joint)
Tight or Sore Jaw or Neck Muscles
Popping/Clicking of the Jaw
Ear Pain
Shoulder Pain
Ringing or Popping Sounds in Ears
Blurred Vision

TMJ Symptoms

Pain in the Jaw (near the joint)
Tight or Sore Jaw or Neck Muscles
Popping/Clicking of the Jaw
Ear Pain
Shoulder Pain
Ringing or Popping Sounds in Ears
Blurred Vision

Treating TMJ or TMD

HealthStar Clinic’s goal is to provide pain relief by fixing the problem. We do this by diagnosing your TMJ condition and locating the root cause for your pain.

TMJ conditions become more painful if untreated. The disorder erodes the jaw disc which can cause joint displacement. The erosion and displacement will eventually develop into a degenerative tissue disorder like arthritis. It is important to treat TMJ early to prevent a more serious chronic pain condition.

Call today or request an appointment online. Often times we can use non-surgical treatments or therapies to help our patients overcome TMJ.

Don’t Let Pain Control Your Life. We Can Help.

Fill out our request appointment form to find out how we can help or call one of our clinics to learn more. Most major insurances are accepted.

Appointment: 1 (866) 586-9667

Clinic Locations:
Birmingham   |   Montgomery   |   Prattville