Managing Bursitis with Non-Surgical Treatments

Are you experiencing bursitis in your hips or elsewhere? Here are common symptoms and simple natural treatments.

Bursitis: a related condition to tendinitis

Two common causes of hip pain or achiness in other joints are tendinitis and bursitis. These conditions involve inflammation and deterioration of the soft tissue surrounding the muscles and bones. Probably the most prevalent natural treatment for either one is called RICE, which is an acronym for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. You can tell that you have one or both of these conditions if you experience pain, inflammation, and difficulty using one of your joints.

To look at bursitis specifically, it involves bursae inflammation. Bursae (singular bursa) are small protective sacs that serve a similar role to cartilage: cushioning in between parts of your body (such as tendons, bones, or skin) so that motion can occur without undue stress. Swelling of one of these sacs leads to the condition called bursitis, which can cause excruciating joint pain even when you aren’t using the affected area.

Common bursitis symptoms

Typical symptoms of this condition include stiffness and soreness; an increase in pain during motion or when you push on the site; and inflammation or redness.

It’s important to seek medical help if the pain becomes severe or lasts more than 7-10 days. Other reasons it’s important to get to a doctor, according to the Mayo Clinic, are “[e]xcessive swelling, redness, bruising or a rash in the affected area” and “[s]harp or shooting pain, especially when you exercise or exert yourself.”

Non-surgical treatments for bursitis joint pain

You can effectively treat bursitis with these four simple tactics (overlapping with some of the RICE methods listed above):

  1. Rest: Take it easy for a short period. Anything that involves weight or otherwise places excessive stress on the area should be avoided during this rest phase. However, be careful not to be overly cautious, as prolonged rest can exacerbate symptoms.
  2. Ice: To lessen the inflammation and mitigate the pain, use ice for 15 minutes twice daily.
  3. Supports: Try using a cane with your opposite hand. Any type of brace will help to lower the amount of force your hip or other joint experiences.
  4. Physical therapy: “The doctor or therapist can give you exercises to do that will maintain strength and function,” notes the American College of Rheumatology. “If the tendinitis or bursitis has begun to limit joint movement, or already restricts movement, seeing a physical therapist is wise.”

Beyond at-home therapy

Are you experiencing hip pain or any other type of bursitis joint pain? At Health Star Clinic, you’ll receive a comprehensive diagnosis and custom treatments that go beyond the band-aid approach of prescription medication and a follow-up visit. See our New Patient Promises.


HealthStar Clinic

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HealthStar Clinic

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